A Trip of Firsts . . . . .

"The time is now", he tells her, and "it's 'some day'". 'Some day', we will . . . . . . She protests that the money could be spent for more practical things. "We need to do it now while we are still able to . . ." he adds . . . . It's interesting how life events or health issues can change a person's perspective on life.

Following weeks of discussion, he books the 'trip of firsts' for early February. While the Midwest is hit with an ice storm, they are headed for the western Caribbean.

The adventure begins with a first plane ride for her, his second. What an experience to fly from Dayton, Ohio to Houston, Texas in turbulent weather on a commuter plane. She spots the Mississippi River from above and admires God's handiwork.

From Houston they ride a bus to Galveston where they get their first glimpse of the cruise ship that will be their home for the next 7 days - The Carnival Elation, 12 decks of floating luxury. Finally on board, and a first look at the stateroom with a picture-window view of the ocean. Back to the deck and the first moments of a dream come true for her; he's not so sure about standing so close to the railing.

The first night brings back memories of 'The Poseidon Adventure' as a storm hits and the ship begins to rock. She reminds herself that the ship is equipped with stabilizer bars, and prays that God will protect them as they rest.

There are stops at Progresso and Merida-'down Mexico way'-and the first steps onto foreign soil, the first visit to another culture. What a difference, sights included the poverty stricken and the elite.Cozumel Coastline

The next stop is Cozumel Island, what a breathtaking sight of the ocean! The water is so blue. So beautiful, she could have stayed there all day.

On to Belize City, Belize; the port is too shallow for cruise ships, so they experience their first ride on a 'tender' (boat). On shore there is more sightseeing and shopping for souvenirs and breaks for resting. He finds a quartz lion to put on his Lion's Club shelf at home; she finds a 15-piece hand-painted Mexican nativity set to add to her collection. A 1 1/4 hr. bus ride on a 'two-lane' highway takes them to the Mayan Indian ruins. (The biggest vehicle, or the more aggressive driver, has the right of way).

Returning on the 8th day of the vacation, his brother and sister-in-law are at the port to meet them; and it's off to church and to meet new great niece, Skylar May. The couple spends three days visiting family, and makes a first trip to visit one of her friends, Diana, and husband Jim who live nearby.

The visit to Houston also includes a walk through the butterfly sanctuary in Houston, and through Boeing where his brother works as an engineer on the space station.

At Di's HouseAt home, friends and family are praying; and the prayers are felt during the trip and as they wait to take off in another commuter plane in another storm. Nearing the Dayton Airport, the skies have cleared and the stars are shining brightly. The late-night sight below is incredible with the city lights aglow.

Traveling with PD is a new challenge for them, but it is a good experience, conquering the firsts along the way. It is a reminder that God is faithful and will see them through the bumpy rides in their lives; and that He will be faithful as they tackle their many 'firsts'.

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